
Teoh Seok Hean


Certified Teacher And Consultant of Education Centre of The Education Program on the Teaching Of Grigori Grabovoi, Belgrade – From  2016 to 2022
Managing Director, Technologies of Eternal Development Pte Ltd (Singapore)

Diploma in The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi, RS No 607 as a qualified specialist in the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi, 17 March 2018
Bachelor (Hons) University of Brighton, United Kingdome, 1991


  • Studied the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi since 2013 to Present
  • Participated in as a Lecturer for both seminars and webinars for the Education Centre of Grigori Grabovoi
  • Main Lecturer of the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi in Singapore and Malaysia, for Technologies of Eternal Development Pte Ltd

I heard of Grigori Grabovoi in 2012, when I was cured from an oncological diagnosis using diet and exercise. However, had suffered great damage to my mental health and I lost myself and my future to the diagnosis. In January  2013,  I was very desperate for help as I did not want to be dependent on psychiatric drugs as such I bought the book of Grigori Grabovoi on Number Series For Psychological Normalisation Book 1 from After 3 months of intensive practise on the number series, I had regained my mental health and restored my happiness. This was my first contact with Grigori Grabovoi

About Grigori Grabovoi Teachings
I would like to tell you a story of how Grigori Grabovoi and his Teaching saved my life. As I personally recovered from a very serious mental illness by normalising my events using his books, Number Series For Psychological Normalisation and Extraterrestrial: Doomsday Is Not Going To Happen.

I was suffering from a very serious psychosis, which if I had not used the knowledge from Grigori Grabovoi, I would probably be institutionalised for mental illness. At the time, I didn’t know much about him or about his works in The Practice of Control. The Way Of Salvation. Many people have a resistance to try something like number series, people want to know how Grabovoi comes up with it before they even want to attempt to try despite being very sick or living a very unfavourable life. Sometimes you have just to try, because very simply the methods of Grigori Grabovoi is just based on the “usual laws of thinking” as such it is harmless, to not try is missing an opportunity to a happy and healthy life.

I am glad I took the leap of faith and I just did it without any fixation to ideas about religion, science or logic. So diligently practice for three months. I read the book from cover to cover and also concentrated on the three pages on Neurosis, I got better each passing day and I could not believe how simple it was but not having much understanding of who Grabovoi is, I bought another book Extra-terrestrial: Doomsday Is Not Going To Happen. As I read this book tears began to flow, as if many years of irrelevant information in my consciousness was dissolving, ideas of death, lack of self- love, and doubt about God and our original purpose as a human was being changed. I wondered to myself “Who is Grigori Grabovoi?” How is that he can heal me and restore harmony for it to be possible to carrying on living in a very special way with knowledge for eternal life. How is it that I physically see light of his knowledge every time I touch his books.

I began to fight for  eternal life, understanding the this is our calling to be eternal and bring eternity to the world. A deep understanding that this is the true way is what I received from Grigori Grabovoi and with concrete and systematic education system to follow. This makes it easier for each person, as more of us decides to follow this path. I would like to thank Grigori Grabovoi and I know he knows what he means to me, because for him I live my life according to his Teachings. This is the way I want to thank him by dedicating my life to the practice of ‘On Salvation and Harmonious Development. I hope that you all will join us on this path.

Achievement of Seok’s Control In The Reality
There are many achievements using the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi for me, the main ones being physically healthy for past 10 years, after a serious oncological diagnosis in 2012, it has been 10 years since I have needed medical treatment. However, this is not a recommendation for people not to seek medical help. It has also been 10 years since I had mental health issues to which I use the controls to achieve mental wellbeing to this present day. Another fun result is that I am able to rejuvenate using the Teachings and I am now 54 years old but look younger after my practice to achieve youthfulness. This can be seen when you attend the online seminars with me.

Benefits for Students At The Seminars
In my seminars I focus on learning with joy and having fun with the knowledge in controlling reality. The aim is to teach in a way where the students will understand the importance of saving themselves with this knowledge and have concrete results during the practise sessions and after. Most importantly, I teach people to believe in themselves using the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi, and that the control of reality is easy, simple and possible.

One of the participants of my seminar managed to regenerate his heart after heart attack, he managed to do so after 6 months of control on the number series for the heart from Grigori Grabovoi’s Recovery Of Man’s Matter By Concentration On Number Rows. His testimony is backed by medical CT scans of his heart. This is another video testimony from a student from Malaysia on her results

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