“Numbers for successful business” by Grigori Grabovoi


The book of Grigori Grabovoi “Numbers for successful business” gives number series and methods of concentration to achieve specific goals in business.

The seminar guides the listeners through a plan how, using the methods of Grigori Grabovoi, to build business or to improve existing business or just to improve someone’s career and life.


About the course

The book of Grigori Grabovoi “Numbers for successful business” gives number series and methods of concentration to achieve specific goals in business.

The seminar guides the listeners through a plan how, using the methods of Grigori Grabovoi, to build business or to improve existing business or just to improve someone’s career and life.

Webinar plan

  1. The Science of Grigori Grabovoi (scientific works, discoveries and inventions) which are useful for any person to improve the life, including the financial part
  2. Consciousness development technologies brining to prosperity of each person and humanity as a whole.
  3. What is the economy of salvation of Grigori Grabovoi?
  4. How to chose activities which will bring you to the biggest success?
  5. How the care about the environment offers favorable effect of your business/ career development?
  6. Determining the goals for the business/ career development.
  7. A consciousness concentration technique for successful implementation of any financial deals.
  8. A consciousness concentration technique for having only favorable events.
  9. A consciousness concentration technique for preventing or reducing the effect of any natural calamities to keep safe your property.
  10. General methods of concentration on number sequences from the book NUMBERS FOR SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS
  11. Specific methods of concentration for the sphere of business.
  12. Using the methods from the book for step by step building your business.
  13. Using the methods from the book for boosting your career.
  14. Creating your business plan using the methods of concentration form the book.
  15. Using the methods from the book to improve your existing business.
  16. Methods for self-organization in your business life.

Olga Toloshnaya


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