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Achieving your goals based on the methods of concentration of Grigori Grabovoi
- Olga Toloshnaya
- youtube
- english
How to accelerate the development of your spirit and consciousness which will result in accelerated achievement of your personal goals? Online webinar conducted by Olga
Toloshnaya at which you will know about: Scientifically based Teachings of Grigori
Grabovoi for those who want to learn how to use one’s consciousness to restore the
organism, to improve life events and, generally, take control of your life and as such and to achieve success and prosperity.
- Olga Toloshnaya
- youtube
- english
Webinar by Olga Toloshnaya. There are a lot of facts of people rejuvenation and self-recovery due to development of consciousness based on the works of Grigori Grabovoi. Many of these facts may be perceived as a miracle, however, as Grigori Grabovoi said, “the following needs to be kept in mind: it is known that a miracle doesn’t conflict with the laws of Nature, a miracle conflicts with our understanding of Nature’s laws. The time has come to change conventional views about the world around us and its organization. All the more reasons for doing this on the eve of the new millennium. And this is necessary for the World’s salvation.” We will consider some methods, given by Grigori Grabovoi for Consciousness development and achieving of our goals.
(This webinar is a continuation of the webinar Achieving your goals based on the methods of concentration of Grigori Grabovoi)
Learn to navigate better in this current turbulent world keeping yourself health and safe!!!
- Olga Toloshnaya
- youtube
- english
Presentation by a teacher of the Education Center of Grigori Grabovoi Olga Toloshnaya. Learn to navigate better in this current turbulent world keeping yourself health and safe!!! Online training on 22 devices PRK-1U Dear friends! I would like to invite you to training which usually takes place in Belgrade in the class with 22 interconnected devices PRK-1U. I conduct the training in ENGLISH. Through the link below, you can request more information of the schedules and registration for this wonderful training. We will work to rejuvenate the body, that is, return the body to the state when the body was young and healthy, and this will help get rid of the problems that exist at the present time. In particular, the problems caused by the situations that have arisen in the world in connection with new medical problems / diseases or, as it were, preventive measures that cause unwanted side effects. The training is available online as well. Receiving any information and THE REGISTRATION are done through [email protected]
The Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi - Las enseñanzas de Grigori Grobovoi
- Olga Toloshnaya
- youtube
- englisd, spanish
WEBINAR conducted by Olga Toloshnaya “Let’s study together several new methods from the works of Grigori Grabovoi to speed up the goals achievement.” WEBINAR impartido por Olga Toloshnaya “Estudiemos juntos varios métodos nuevos de las obras de Grigori Grabovoi para acelerar el logro de los objetivos”.
The training on work for your specific goals, including financial ones. - La formación en el trabajo para sus objetivos específicos, incluidos los financieros.
- Olga Toloshnaya
- youtube
- english, spanish
WEBINAR impartido por Olga Toloshnaya – WEBINAR conducted by Olga Toloshnaya “Let’s study together several methods from the works of Grigori Grabovoi to speed up your financial goals achievement.” INGLES – ESPAÑOL La profesora es Olga Toloshnaya. “Estudiemos juntos varios métodos de las obras de Grigori Grabovoi para acelerar el logro de sus objetivos financieros”.
Device for development of cencentrations PRK-1U - Dispositivo para desarrollo de concentracionesPRK-1U
- Olga Toloshnaya
- youtube
- english, spanish
WEBINAR conducted by Olga Toloshnaya “PRK-1U, the device of Grigori Grabovoi that will ensure the breakthrough of humanity development. Your personal opportunities with PRK-1U”.
WEBINAR realizado por Olga Toloshnaya “PRK-1U, el dispositivo de Grigori Grabovoi que garantizará el avance del desarrollo de la humanidad. Tus oportunidades personales con PRK-1U”.
Methods selected from the works of Grigori Grabovoi - Méthodes choisies parmi les travaux de Grigori Grabovoi
- Olga Toloshnaya
- youtube
- english, french
The webinar is in English – French devoted to rejuvenation and achieving financial success in life. The training is conducted by a teacher of the Education Center of Grigori Grabovoi Olga Toloshnaya who shares her own experience on achievement of her goals. These two topics are united because any person is destined to live happy life being healthy, strong, looking young, if he wants to, and to have enough funds for providing the life needs and permanent development. The webinar includes study and practice of new and unique methods which are selected from the works of Grigori Grabovoi on rejuvenation and the book ‘Numbers for successful business. You will learn how to control for the youth of your body and financial success in life.
Le webinaire est en anglais – français consacré au rajeunissement et à la réussite financière dans la vie. La formation est dirigée par une enseignante du Centre d’éducation de Grigori Grabovoi Olga Toloshnaya qui partage sa propre expérience sur la réalisation de ses objectifs. Ces deux sujets sont unis parce que toute personne est destinée à vivre une vie heureuse en étant en bonne santé, forte, paraissant jeune, si elle le souhaite, et à avoir suffisamment de fonds pour subvenir aux besoins de la vie et au développement permanent. Le webinaire comprend l’étude et la pratique de méthodes nouvelles et uniques qui sont sélectionnées parmi les travaux de Grigori Grabovoi sur le rajeunissement et le livre “Des chiffres pour une entreprise prospère”. Vous apprendrez à contrôler la jeunesse de votre corps et votre réussite financière dans la vie.
An interview on the results of work on PRK-1U online – Интервью по результатам работа на ПРК-1У онлайн
- Olga Toloshnaya
- youtube
- english, russian
Interview on the results of using the online PRK-1U device Seok Hean Teoh, Gulnar Adelbayeva, Olga Toloshnaya
Интервью по результатам применения прибора ПРК-1У онлайн Сеок Хеан Тео, Гульнар Адельбаева, Ольга Толошная
An interview on the results of work on PRK-1U online – Интервью по результатам работа на ПРК-1У онлайн
- Olga Toloshnaya
- youtube
- english, russian
Interview on the results of using the online PRK-1U device Seok Hean Teoh, Aizhan Sadvokasova, Olga Toloshnaya
Интервью по результатам применения прибора ПРК-1У онлайн Сеок Хеан Тео, Айжан Садвокасова, Ольга Толошная
Numbers for successful business" - Achieve prosperity using the methods of Grigori Grabovoi" Numbers for business di successo" -Prendi prosperità usando i metodi di Grigori Grabovoi!“
- Olga Toloshnaya
- youtube
- english, italian
Presentazione di un insegnante del Centro educativo di Grigori Grabovoi, Olga Toloshnaya
Presentation by a teacher of the Education Center of Grigori Grabovoi, Olga Toloshnaya
Concentrazione sul numero di piante per il recupero dell'organismo-Concentration on Plants Numbers for restoration of the organism
- Olga Toloshnaya
- youtube
- english, italian
Maintain your body healthy and young by understanding the reality which is very close to every person, that is, plants!
This video is an introduction to a full-fledged seminar which you can find in the schedule of our coming webinars/ seminars.
Mantieni il tuo corpo sano e giovane comprendendo la realtà che è molto vicina a ogni persona, cioè alle piante!
Questo video è un’introduzione a un seminario completo che puoi trovare nel programma dei nostri prossimi webinar/seminari.