
Cordula Ahrens


1.Cordula’s professional experience and background

As a management consultant, Cordula has been a successful mentor, coach and trainer in various fields since 1997.
Already in her childhood she had a special talent to inspire trust in her counterpart, to listen carefully and to recognise people’s needs.
During her school years she already tutored in maths and supported her classmates. The simple transmission of knowledge has always been one of her gifts. Italy was the first country she studied intensively outside of Germany. Since then she has become more and more of a cosmopolitan. She loves to travel, observe and get to know other cultures – to really absorb them. In the same
way, she expands her knowledge every day because it gives her pleasure.

People like to tell her things because they know she respects the privacy of every single person.
Her special talent lies in recognising what your conversation partners actually want and what prevents them from achieving this. With her manner, she manages to change perspectives super fast and pave the way to a more fulfilling life.

She has a degree in cultural studies (Univ.) and worked for several years as a management consultant. Always with the focus on getting the best out of people and the company.
As a lecturer and coach, she has already worked with over 7,000 people and helped about 23 of them to become millionaires. For her, recognising structures and identifying potential for improvement is a game.
Her successes are numerous. Among them are people who have come out of the subsistence level and finally have the feeling of living again, have a more fulfilling relationship and have changed their behaviour almost imperceptibly. Everyone who gets involved with her will benefit from it.

2.Experience in the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi

She first came into contact with Grigori Grabovoi’s teachings in 2016 and continues to deepen her knowledge of them on a daily basis. Her way of conveying the complex knowledge in a simple way that is suitable for everyday life helps her students actively transform their lives and achieve success in every area.
So far, she is certified to teach 22 works of Grabovoi and is continuing to expand this until she receives her diploma.

3. Cordula’s opinion, why the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi is useful for our future students and humanity in general

In her eyes, Grabovoi’s teaching is what unites the whole world and all methods towards the aim of continuous development of all and everyone. Grabovoi also pays special attention to making us realise how senseless destructive behaviour towards ourselves and others is. The special thing
is that we learn to refrain from this and to give our creativity full space again. For the good of all.

4. What Cordula personally achieved by using the Teachings of Grigori Grabovoi.

My personal successes have crept into my life. They are suddenly quite harmonious in my life without having made a grand entrance.

  • My entire body has become more toned and less wrinkled in recent years.
  • My inner psychological structure is stable, so that no situation can make me stumble
    any more. Not even when my brother provokes me.
  • I have developed a certain clairvoyance, which I didn’t think was possible.
  • My self-healing has been extremely accelerated.
  • My ability to concentrate has increased. I understand things more quickly, even if I had
    no idea of them before.
  • I recognise more and more connections in life.
    My point of view is getting closer and closer to that of a good-natured mother.
  • It is becoming easier for me to implement Grabovoi’s technologies every day. They are
    already so integrated that I have to observe carefully to realise that I am applying them.

5. Benefits  for Cordula’s students which they will get at her seminars?

In my seminars I usually include the needs of the participants. Even if they are not named in advance, all participants get the solution to at least one of their problems.

Grabovoi is a mathematician and physicist, besides being clairvoyant. His language is therefore difficult to understand for many of his followers. It is my concern to rephrase this into everyday language and make it understandable. In addition, my explanation of Grabovoi’s works is always aimed at showing concrete possibilities of application in everyday life. To make the technologies understandable in such a way that they can be incorporated into everyday life. The participants have confirmed this without

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